Made with Marianne TRAN, Eduarda CORCELLE,
Solène GALLAND and Yiru CHEN. Supervised by Cécile CAZANOVA and Élise AUGER.
Third year of Bachelor in EDNA, Graphic Design - 2023
How can you relax at the end of the day, as a woman exhausted by her day? That’s the question that we asked ourselves, during a workshop about food design. The topic was funny but hard: make a product,
based on the shape of a fruit.
We did a lot of experiments about the fruits, vegetables, and plants.
Based on this, we have decided to make a product with the shapes
of a clementine, because each part of a clementine represents the moon.
So, we made a box with many cosmetic products, tea, and others,
to relax . Each part of the box has the shape of a moon cycle,
with a relaxing, calm and soothing graphic identity.
To conclude, we made a scenography to present our product.